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Youngstown OhioI & II Corinthians (Holman New Testament Commentary)
Published: October, 2000
Our price: $14.59
List price: $19.99
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As of: November 07th, 2006 07:05:15 AM

Author: Richard L., Jr. Pratt
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Customer comments on this Youngstown Ohio Book

Youngstown Ohio Good series, especially for the layperson

I bought this entire New Testament series commentary to help me in teaching an adult Sunday School class. I'm glad I did! All of the books include a verse-by-verse description that is very helpful. A teaching outline is included for each chapter, along with discussion questions and an area with a more deeper discussion of certain topics important to that chapter.

As a new teacher, I have found this series invaluable in preparing my lessons. I think you'll like this one.

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