City of Youngstown

Youngstown Ohio Books
Youngstown Ohio Book Store > Youngstown Ohio books beginning with A
Youngstown OhioAmtrak (Mbi Railroad Color History)
Published: 25 December, 2004
Our price: $24.39
List price: $36.95
Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks
As of: February 28th, 2007 09:37:06 PM

Author: Brian Solomon
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Customer comments on this Youngstown Ohio Book

Youngstown Ohio A Full Color Look at the Nation's Railway

For someone who has many books on Amtrak, this one is a treat. All the pictures are in color. They are up-to-date and complement the text perfectly. The cover pages show an Amtrak map from 1972 and another for 2004. For a recent book there is still plenty of red hoods and candy stripes. The text is one of the more realistic treatments of Amtrak's history. Buy the book then buy a ticket! Printed in China.

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