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Youngstown Ohio Book Store > Youngstown Ohio books beginning with 8
Youngstown Ohio8 Minute Meditation: Quiet Your Mind. Change Your Life.
Published: 06 July, 2004
Our price: $10.36
List price: $12.95
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As of: November 07th, 2006 07:13:39 AM

Author: Victor Davich
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Customer comments on this Youngstown Ohio Book

Youngstown Ohio BUY THIS BOOK!

Want to meditate? Can't meditate. Tried to meditate? Can't meditate. Gave up on ever meditating ... until I found this book in the bookstore (or it found me!). I'm 4 weeks into it and can't believe it (since I'm a master procrastinator). And, I already feel the benefits. This book is so clear, concise and speaks directly to the "real" questions beginning meditators have (even "what do I do if I have to pee!")
The problems with other meditation books, for me, were they were way too overwhelming and complex - and I felt I had to master some Zen-type state instantly. 8-Minute Meditation showed me that meditating is not "magic" but rather a simple learning process, like learning a musical instrument. You must know the basics, have a great teacher (Victor is) and practice! And unlike when I took piano lessons for an hour a day (ugh) - 8 minutes is a breeze and makes meditating fun and easy, rather than a chore. I never thought I'd say this - but I look forward to it everyday. Wow! I can finally say "I meditate!"

Youngstown Ohio Meditation

This is a great basic meditation book with applicable ideas to relieve stress in your life, especially for someone who does not have much time.

Youngstown Ohio Good start for beginners!

This book is a good start for beginners. It tells you exactly what to expect and answers common questions most of us have when new to meditation. The books teaches you the basics in meditation through baby steps. If you have the basics down such as the breathing, you may want to purchase a book that can take you further.

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