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Youngstown Ohio Books
Youngstown Ohio Book Store > Youngstown Ohio books beginning with E
Youngstown OhioA Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications Combined Approach (3rd Edition)
Published: 17 August, 2001
Our price: $130.67
List price: $130.67
Usually ships in 5 to 12 days
As of: November 07th, 2006 05:44:23 AM

Author: Marvin L. Bittinger
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Customer comments on this Youngstown Ohio Book

Youngstown Ohio Just get it if It's required....

It's the same as Dugopolski's book, except since I got Dugopolski's teacher edition, it helped a little bit more to understand the material.

Great textbook. Clear instructions with examples and practice problems.

Cons: paper is a little too thinner than dugopolski's text.

Overall, most math textbooks are the same. They teach you the material because that's what they're supposed to do.

(by the way, I'm not a kid, I was just too lazy to sign in).

Youngstown Ohio review for college algebra book

The book was in excellent condition and received my purchase
very promptly.
Very good experience and will buy again from this seller.

Youngstown Ohio View From a Math Tutor

I have tutored math for over 20 years and Bittenger's book is one of the best I have ever seen for taking pre-algebra students from the basics to the complex. His examples are clearly laid out, easy to follow, and they lay a solid foundation for higher math learning. This book's concepts will definitely help high school students prepare for the SATs.

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